War and Peace in Contention: Neutrality after the Great War
International Law and First World War - Lecture Series
War and Peace in Contention: Neutrality after the Great War
Dr Stephen Neff from University of Edinburgh
Dr Stephen Neff will summarise the innovations in neutrality law and practice that took place during the War, and the controversies to which they gave rise. He will also discuss attempts after the War to resolve the controversies and talk of proposed new approaches to neutrality that were advanced during the inter-war period. As examples, the non-intervention programme in the Spanish Civil War and the proposed “new neutrality” in the United States. The changes in the law of neutrality that were proposed by the Harvard Research group and by others will also be outlined.
Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/war-and-peace-in-contention-neutrality-after-the-great-war-tickets-16833320916
Dr Stephen Neff
Role: Reader
Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Biography: Stephen Neff's primary research interest is the history of public international law. He is the author of a book on the historical development of international economic law. His current focus is the history of the law of neutrality. Another major interest is international human rights law, from both the academic and the practical standpoints.
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