Developing age-friendly cities: Turning urban research into practice
This event will provide the opportunity for dialogue between researchers, policy makers, practitioners and older people working on issues relating to ageing, age-friendly cities and urban change. It will provide practical insights into how urban research can influence policy and practice.
Understanding the relationship between population ageing and urban change has become a major issue for public policy, and an increasingly important area for interdisciplinary research. The following questions will be discussed:
•How can researchers and practitioners engage with different groups of older people?
•How can findings from academic research be turned into practice?
•Who should have a voice in the future of older people in Greater Manchester?
•What topics should researchers explore in the future?
A series of practical workshops will be run throughout the day, focusing on the following themes: ageing in place, developing social infrastructure, urban regeneration, engaging with hard to reach populations, and international perspectives on age-friendly approaches.
This workshop is hosted by the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group (MUARG) from the University of Manchester. Our research supports the promotion of age-friendly environments at global, EU, national and local level. MUARG has a particular focus on understanding issues relating to social exclusion and pressures facing older people in areas subject to economic decline.
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Science and Industry Museum
Liverpool Road