IBBMH Research Seminar Series | Professor Gillian Haddock
Dates: | 5 October 2015 |
Times: | 12:45 - 14:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health |
Who is it for: | Adults, Current University students, University staff |
Speaker: | Professor Gillian Haddock |
Host: Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health
About the event:
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new series of monthly research seminars for the Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health, more details for these events will be announced soon.
Professor Gillian Haddock
Presentation title:
Implementation of psychological therapies for psychosis – what is the problem?
Please note that all PhD students registered in the Institute of BBMH are expected to attend, and that a register of attendance will be taken at each seminar event.
We need to know the number of people to cater for. Therefore, if you are attending, please email Carol Rayegan-Tafreshi carol.rayegan@manchester.ac.uk by end of Friday, 25 September, with details of any special dietary requirements.
Here are more dates of up-coming seminars for your diary:
- 2 November – Professor Alison Yung
- 7 December - Professor Stuart Pickering-Brown
Professor Gillian Haddock
Role: Professor of Clinical Psychology
Organisation: School of Psychological Sciences
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