Masterclass: Susan Stanford Friedman (Wisconsin-Madison), ‘A Manifesto for Planetarity and Its Discontents’
Dates: | 16 May 2016 |
Times: | 11:00 - 13:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Arts, Languages and Cultures |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students |
Northern Modernism Seminar: A Research Day with Susan Stanford Friedman
Masterclass (open to all MA and PhD students, NWCDTP)
‘A Manifesto for Planetarity and Its Discontents’
Suggested Reading (e-mail for pdfs): “Planetarity,” Chapter 2 of Planetary Modernisms; “A Debate with Myself,” Conclusion of Planetary Modernisms. The focus of the seminar will be debates about the “transnational turn” in modernist studies. What do the expansions of the field mean for doctoral students wanting to enter the field? How can they design planetary projects that participate in expansive approaches and yet are focused enough to complete? Does a planetary approach open doors for new kinds of comparative work not centered in the conventional canons of “high modernism”? Or Is this planetarity an imperialist gesture that sidelines postcolonial studies or ignores the “postmodern” or “contemporary”? Chapter 2 of Planetary Modernisms is a slightly modified version of “Planetarity: Musing Modernist Studies,” first an MSA keynote (2009) and then an article in Modernism/modernity (2010). “A Debate with Myself” was written in an experimentally dialogic form to reflect the ongoing debates I have about the new expansiveness of the field and the range of problems such planetarity raises.
Travel and Contact Information
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Seminar Room 1, Graduate School
Ellen Wilkinson Building