FBMH Teaching, Learning and Students Strategy Session - Supporting our staff
Dates: | 22 January 2019 |
Times: | 10:00 - 11:30 |
What is it: | Workshop |
Organiser: | Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health |
Who is it for: | University staff |
To ensure we are positioned to meet future HE challenges whilst continuing to deliver an excellent experience for our students, all FBMH academic and PS staff are invited to a series of discussion sessions that each focus on one of the six elements of our Strategy for Teaching, Learning and Students.
Sessions will include brief updates on the action being taken and progress being made in implementing the Strategy but the major purpose of each session will be for you to input your ideas and to share your experience.
Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis but if the session oversubscribed we will arrange for it to be rerun.
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Dalton Suite
Core Technology Facility