Body Experience 2017
Researchers from across the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester will take over the Museum from top to bottom, allowing you to explore the human body from head to toe! Interactive stands and activities for all the family will include a range of activities from making your own mucus, testing wee to learn how the kidneys work, holding real hearts and learning how milk is made. Part of British Science Week 2017.
Feedback from 2016 includes:
"As an adult, fascinating to hear young researchers talk of their interests."
"Brilliant experience for the whole family. Everyone was very informative, friendly and very patient!"
"…was dead informative to chat to the spine people! SOMETHING FOR ADULTS AS WELL AS KIDS." Alan, age 42.
"One of the best things today was holding all of the REAL body parts. Everything was really good. ;)"
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
Manchester Museum
Oxford Road
Phone: 0161-2752648