Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Domain – Special Seminar by Professor Jonathan Green
Monday 20th May 2019
Theatre A Zochonis Building
Lunch from 12 noon in Zochonis Food for Thought Café.
Global Health research in childhood neurodevelopment and neuroscience
Global health science is an increasingly active area of work. Funding
streams have increased dramatically, partly as a result of diversion from
overseas aid budgets, partly in response to a globalised perspective on
health and research, expressed within the Global Challenge Research Fund.
In this context, 'non-communicable disease' including neurodevelopmental
disorder is an increasing priority and neuroscience an active focus. I
will give a perspective on this emerging area from my own experience with
clinical research in Low and Medium Income Countries (LMIC) and other
international contexts. I will include discussion of the pleasures and
scientific opportunities of working in this way, the expansion of
neuroscience infrastructure, alongside some of the cultural, practical
And ethical issues that can arise. How is the role of UK researchers and
research institutions going to develop in the future? Others in the
university have done similar work, giving a good opportunity also for
shared discussion.