Digital Trust and Security Seminar: YOSO: You Only Speak Once
Join special guest speaker, Bernardo Magri, Senior Lecturer in the Systems and Software Security group at the University of Manchester
Online seminar with Q&A and discussion.
Abstract: Imagine a setting where whenever a party in a protocol sends a message, its IP address becomes known, and it gets immediately killed by the adversary in a DoS attack. This implies that in any given protocol a party can only send a single message at a random point in time. Can we do secure multiparty computation in this setting?
In this talk we introduce the YOSO MPC model that is based around the notion of roles, which are randomly assigned stateless parties that can send a single message for the entire duration of the protocol. We will show how one we can leverage the infrastructure of public blockchains to securely YOSO-compute any function with private inputs.
Bio: Bernardo Magri is a Senior Lecturer in the Systems and Software Security group at the Computer Science department of The University of Manchester. Before joining UoM in December 2021, he was a postdoc researcher at the Aarhus crypto group at Aarhus University (Denmark). His research interests are on the theoretical and practical aspects of cryptography and its applications.
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