2016 MICRA annual public lecture - Ageing and frailty: Game changers for our health and care services
Rapid population ageing is changing the nature of modern health and care systems for good. Many people remain in good health as they age and we need to continue the push on prevention and wellbeing. However, with increasing age, we are more likely to live with multiple (not single) long-term conditions - many related to age. Dementia and age-related disability are increasingly prevalent as is Frailty. These may be compounded by social vulnerability or reliance on carers. Whether in primary care, acute hospital care, social care, including care homes or community health services, it is these issues that drive most demand and spend. Older people and their carers often use multiple services and see numerous professionals, risking disjointed care. Our training, values and systems haven't fully caught up with this new reality and we need a sea change in our approach to ageing and health.
The speaker is Professor David Oliver, President of the British Geriatrics Society.
Please register online for this free event:
2016 MICRA annual public lecture booking form: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/2016-micra-annual-public-lecture-tickets-23100786073
Professor David Oliver
Role: President of the British Geriatrics Society
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Lecture Theatre B
University Place