International comparison and Pathway for China’s New-type Urbanization: Impacts and Policy Implication
Dates: | 15 June 2017 |
Times: | 16:00 - 18:00 |
What is it: | Talk |
Organiser: | Manchester Urban Institute |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
Professor Xiangzheng Deng, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences is visiting Manchester Urban Institute with funding from the University's Simon Visiting Professorship scheme.
Professor Xiangzheng Deng has specialized in geography and urbanization research for more than fifteen years. He is widely regarded as a leader in the field both in China and in the international community. He was a recipient of the Outstanding Young Scientist Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Science and Technology Awards of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Science and Technology Awards of Hainan Province, Young Scientist Program (YSSP) fellowship, IIASA-NSFC, and Young scientist fellowship of the UN MA Project, MA Board and Secretariat. He is Member of the Steering Scientific Committee of the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHD) on Urbanisation and Global Environmental Change; Consultant of the UK Ecosystem services and poverty alleviation project for NERC, ESRC and DfID; Consultant of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s environment-friendly ecological agriculture development strategy research project for the Yellow River Basin response to climate change (2008-2010); and Consultant of World Bank’s Guangxi Integrated Forestry Development and Conservation Project (2005-2010).
His research is on land change science; environment science; and management, policy and links between urbanization, climate change, and sustainability. He is an expert on land use change dynamic, forecasting changes in ecosystem functions and services, simulating the urbanization expansion and examining the impact of urbanization on land productivity and cultivated land area changes in China. He has pioneered the use of methods such as GIS technologies, econometric analyses and land change science to reveal the conflicts between food security, urbanization and ecological protection. He has made important achievement in the development and the expansion of regional applications of CGELUC (Computable General Equilibrium of Land Use Changes) model and DLS (Dynamics of Land System) model; research on innovative approach of and empirical studies on the competition and optimization of land and water uses; and efforts in integrating econometric methodologies and spatial analysis approaches into the study on dynamics and consequences of urbanization.
If you would like to attend, please register at the eventbrite link on this page.
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