HSRC Seminar - Resilience, Relationships, and Retention in Times of Transition
Dates: | 11 June 2018 |
Times: | 12:00 - 13:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Health Services Research Centre (HSRC) |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public, Post 16 |
Speaker: | Elaine Clark |
Resilience, Relationships, and Retention in Times of Transition: NHS leaders and service reorganisation, and first-year management students adjusting to university life
The concept of resilience is one which has been developed within research to account for heterogeneity in individuals’ responses to stress. Described as a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the context of adversity, resilience has been highlighted as having particular importance to the performance of both individuals and organisations. More recently, the impact of resilience upon student progression, persistence, retention and employability potential has led to it taking central stage within the higher education sector.
This seminar will explore the findings from two research studies into resilience: one exploring resilience of senior NHS leaders at a time of mergers and healthcare re-organisation, and another exploring resilience of first-year management students in transition from school/college/home to an increasingly pressurised university context. The seminar will discuss the relationship between these two studies and what can they tell us about resilience, and the ways in which it can be maintained and fostered.
Dr Elaine Clark is the Programme Director for the Management Degree programme at The University of Manchester. Her career involvements include manager of pathfinder PALS, research into creative quality improvement approaches in healthcare and action learning. As a former professional actress, Elaine is passionate about using drama and storytelling as research methodologies and as mechanisms for assisting with the lowering of barriers to communication and expression.
This seminar will commence at 12:00 with a light luncehon. The presentation will begin at 12:15.
Elaine Clark
Organisation: The University of Manchester
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