Short Course: Longitudinal Structural Equation Modelling (advanced)
Dates: | 5 December 2016 |
Times: | All day |
What is it: | Short course |
Organiser: | Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research |
How much: | £195
/ £140 for those from educational and charitable institutions
/ The Cathie Marsh Institute (CMIST) offers five free places to research staff and students within the Faculty of Humanities at The University of Manchester and the North West Doctoral Training Centre. Postgraduate students requesting a free place will be required to provide a letter of support from their supervisor. |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students, General public |
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) has been growing in popularity due to its ability to estimate complex relationships between variables, the possibility to control for measurement error and the comprehensive model fit indicators. This approach is also very well suited to deal with longitudinal data (i.e., data collected repeatedly from the same unit). In this context, it offers a number of unique modelling opportunities. Thus, using SEM with longitudinal data it is possible to investigate how the change in one variable is related to the change in another. For example, it can estimate how the change in physical health is linked to changes in happiness. Similarly, the SEM framework makes it possible to create typologies based on patterns of change in time. Thus, it is possible to see what are the typical patterns of change in cognitive ability or party support and who are the people that manifest them.
This one-day course introduces two of the main models used to analyse longitudinal data using SEM: cross-lagged models and latent growth models (LGM). The cross-lagged model is typically used to better understand the causal relationships in longitudinal studies. On the other hand, LGM models are used to estimate individual level change. Both help answer essential questions related to how individuals/organisations/countries change in time.
The course will be a mix of short conceptual presentations and hands on applications using Mplus (which will be available in the computer cluster). No prior knowledge of Mplus is required.
Price: £195
Concessions: £140 for those from educational and charitable institutions
Offers: The Cathie Marsh Institute (CMIST) offers five free places to research staff and students within the Faculty of Humanities at The University of Manchester and the North West Doctoral Training Centre. Postgraduate students requesting a free place will be required to provide a letter of support from their supervisor.
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Humanities Bridgeford Street