Sexual Violence on University Campuses
Dates: | 14 September 2020 |
Times: | 17:00 - 18:30 |
What is it: | Talk |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
Who is it for: | University staff, External researchers, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
Speaker: | Dr Caroline M Parker, Professor Jennifer S Hirsch, Professor Shamus Khan |
Shamus Khan & Jennifer Hirsch, authors of Sexual Citizens, In conversation with Dr Caroline M Parker
In SEXUAL CITIZENS: A Landmark Study of Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus, Columbia professors Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan lay out an expansive, empirically-grounded vision for campus sexual assault prevention. The book is rich with the testimonies of over 150 Columbia students who participated in the Sexual Health Initiative to Foster Transformation (SHIFT). Startling in their frankness and revelations, these experiences encompass explicit acts of violent rape and more subtle violations of consent that many people may not realize is assault, juxtaposed against consensual sexual experiences that range from sweet and caring to startlingly impersonal and objectifying. Hirsch and Khan’s goal, in sharing these stories, is not to make moral judgments or decide what the ideal legal ramifications of assault should be. Rather, with empathy and compassion for the many struggles that young people face, they approach sexual assault as a public health problem and explain it by setting out a broader understanding of how sex is organized and what it means to young people in college.
Sexual Citizens puts forth powerful new concepts to help explain the forces in young people’s sexual lives: sexual projects (the various motives college students have for pursuing sex), sexual citizenship (the possession of one’s sexual agency, and the respect for another’s), and sexual geographies (the landscapes, both physical and social, that shape the power dynamics and contexts of sex). Hirsch and Khan have a remarkable eye for nuance—at every point in their exploration of campus culture they identify the ways race, class, age, and sexuality can intersect with gender to influence who is most at risk and who is most likely to commit offenses. Grounded in the intimate, often painful accounts of the human beings at its center, SEXUAL CITIZENS is a bold and comprehensive analysis of a social ecosystem where sexual assault is a regular feature, concluding with a bracing set of recommendations for what families, teachers, policy makers, and leaders in higher education can do to prevent it.
Dr Caroline M Parker
Role: Presidential Fellow
Organisation: University of Manchester
Professor Jennifer S Hirsch
Role: Deputy Chair for Doctoral Studies in the Department of Sociomedical Studies
Organisation: Columbia University
Professor Shamus Khan
Role: Chair of Sociology Department
Organisation: Columbia University
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