Reducing precarious employment in UK workplaces
Dates: | 11 November 2015 |
Times: | 13:15 - 18:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Current University students |
Speaker: | Dr Damian Grimshaw |
There is an urgent need to find new ways of reducing precarious work in Britain. Since the financial crisis, more and more new jobs are characterised by insecurity, irregular hours of work, low pay and insufficient opportunities to develop skills. At the same time, reforms of employment and welfare rights have reduced the scope of protections for many people in precarious forms of employment.
This public event will highlight new research findings on ‘Protective gaps’ facing workers in Britain and draw on interventions from leading practitioners in the fields of low pay, employment law, equalities, enforcement and social dialogue. Discussion and debate with full audience participation is integral to the event.
Key questions include:
• What policy reforms are needed to close existing protective gaps?
• What do we mean by ‘social dialogue’ and can it play a role in
reducing precarious work?
• Is there a future for the ‘standard employment relationship’?
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Manchester Business School
Booth St West