Robert Shorten -- Cyber-physical Systems, Control Theory, and examples of Health Interventions
Dates: | 23 February 2022 |
Times: | 13:00 - 14:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Department of Mathematics |
Who is it for: | University staff, External researchers, Current University students |
Speaker: | Robert Shorten |
(via Zoom)
Join us for this seminar by Robert Shorten (Imperial) as part of the North West Seminar Series in Mathematical Biology and Data Sciences. Details of the full series can be found here
The talk will be hosted on zoom, please contact or for the zoom link, or sign up to the mailing list.
Abstract: In this talk we discuss the design of cyber-physical systems to support behavioural interventions. First, we will discuss factors that motivate our interest in systems that arise at the intersection of human behaviours and control theory. We then present three examples of specific applications of our work in which control theory is used to influence human behaviours (in the health domains). The first example is a system to protect cyclists from the effects of road pollution; the second is an example of control theoretic ideas applied to the design of lockdowns; the third is an example of sampling strategies to find bridge nodes in the context of viral spreading. Finally, we present open problems and applications that constitute frontier topics in the design of cyber-physical systems.
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Robert Shorten
Role: Professor
Organisation: Imperial College London
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