Title: Opportunities in clinical and cognitive neuroscience
Lead speakers: Daniela Montaldi, Anthony Jones, Stuart Allan, Stuart Pickering-Brown, Chris Kobylecki, Alex Gerhard
About the research forum:
Enhancing FMHS-FLS biomedical research collaborations is a high priority. To advance cross-faculty links, a regular fortnightly series of informal topic-based cross-Faculty research meetings will start in January 2013. It will target ‘hot’ translational biomedical topics that are very likely to benefit from strong cross-Faculty research links.
The format will be flexible, but will usually involve short presentations with discussion, followed by break-out sessions with refreshments. We wish to encourage and support cross-Faculty collaborations leading to major new strategic funding and research outputs, and innovative research opportunities for clinical/non-clinical students.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Full details of each individual topic(s), and the FMHS and FLS Lead PIs, will be circulated well in advance.
Funding support: an FMHS Research Strategy Co-ordinator and an FLS Research Support Manager will be present at each Forum meeting, to provide targeted advice on internal and external funding.
Suggestions for future topics are strongly encouraged (contact Cay Kielty).
Academic organiser: Cay Kielty cay.kielty@manchester.ac.uk; +44(0)161 275 5739
FLS: Deborah Bentley deborah.bentley@manchester.ac.uk; +44(0)161 275 5465
FMHS: Kay Hodgson kay.hodgson@manchester.ac.uk +44(0)161 306 0552
(Institutes of Brain, Behaviour & Mental Health, and Human Development; School of Psychological Sciences)
Katherine Boylan Katherine.boylan@manchester.ac.uk +44(0)161 275 7594
(Institutes of Cancer Sciences, and Cardiovascular Sciences; Schools of Dentistry, and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Daniel Jameson daniel.jameson@manchester.ac.uk +44(0)161 306 0553
(Institutes of Inflammation and Repair, and Population Health; School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work)