“HEAR FOR YOU”: A Primary Health Care Approach for Hearing Health: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hear-for-you-a-primary-health-care-approach-for-hearing-health-tickets-85616416005
At the dawn of a second century of pioneering hearing loss research at The University of Manchester, the Centre's for Primary Care Seminars Committee proudly presents the first event dedicated to hearing health research in Primary Care.
Hearing loss is a complex health condition which extends beyond auditory impairment. Fortunately, research findings in the Centre for Primary Care and Health Services Research have shown that hearing loss is not necessarily an inevitable accompaniment of ageing, but potentially preventable lifestyle disease. A primary health care (PHC) approach can meet people’s hearing health needs across their life-course and represents an important venue for addressing hearing loss prevention.
The event will have inspiring talks from cutting-edge researchers of the field (from the Institute for Health Policy and Organisation, the Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness, the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and the National UK Charity "Action on Hearing Loss"), who will explain why effective communication is a fundamental aspect of active ageing and well-being.
Importantly, don't miss this special opportunity to participate in an interactive speed consulting session that will help identify new opportunities for research collaborations.
The event is registered with the World Health Organization (WHO), and is supported by:
• The Institute for Health Policy and Organisation (IHPO)
• NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)
• NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre (PSTRC)
The programme of the event is as follows:
12.30-13.00 Registration & networking
13.00-13.15 Opening remarks by Prof Peter Bower (Lead at the Centre for Primary Care and Health Services Research)
13.15-13.45 Dalia Tsimpida "Why hearing matters: preventing and addressing hearing loss across the life-course"
13.45-14.15 Dr Antje Heinrich "Effective communication as a fundamental aspect of active ageing and well-being"
14.15-14.30 Coffee Break
14.30-15.15 Dr Helen Henshaw & Jean Straus "Research Priorities for mild-to-moderate hearing loss in adults: a James Lind Alliance priority setting partnership
15.15-15.45 Big Questions in a box: speed consulting session to identify new opportunities for research collaborations
15.45-16.00 The vision of hearing care: designing the way forward
Lunch will be provided, please reserve your ticket on Eventbrite - places are limited
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organiser at: CPC.seminar.series@manchester.ac.uk