BII Seminar | Face Analysis in the Wild
Host: Biomedical Imaging Institute
About the event:
The past decade has seen a large number of publications on Automatic Facial Expression Recognition systems (AFERS) and face analysis systems in general. The first AFERS programs are now publicly available, either non-profit from academics, or for sale by companies, giving an indication of what currently works and what doesn't. The first facial expression recognition challenge (FERA2011) serves to shed further light on the efforts in this field, comparing many state of the art approaches on the same, challenging, dataset. And as the field is maturing with high accuracy obtained in laboratory conditions, the first face analysis systems are moving out in the wild, being deployed in real applications by industry and governmental bodies.
In this talk I will describe two recent contributions towards such face analysis in the wild - guided unsupervised learning for fiducial facial point detection to deal with non-frontal head pose and facial expressions, and Local Gabor Binary Patterns in Three Orthogonal Planes to allow robust dynamic facial expression analysis.
Michel Valstar is a lecturer at the University of Nottingham. He was a Visiting Researcher at MIT's Media Lab, and a Research Associate in the intelligent Behaviour Understanding Group (iBUG) at Imperial College London. He received his masters' degree in Electrical Engineering at Delft University of Technology in 2005 and his PhD in computer science at Imperial College London in 2008.
Currently he is working in the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition, where his main interest is in automatic recognition of human behaviour, specialising in the analysis of facial expressions. In 2011 he was the main organiser of the first facial expression recognition challenge, FERA2011, and the first and second Audio-Visual Emotion recognition Challenges, AVEC2011, AVEC2012, and AVEC2013. In 2007 he won the BCS British Machine Intelligence Prize for part of his PhD work. He has published technical papers at authoritative Journals and conferences including SMC-B, TAC, CVPR, ICCV and SMC-B and his work has received popular press coverage in New Scientist and on BBC Radio.
If you would like to attend this seminar, please complete the on-line registration form.
Michel Valstar
Role: Researcher in Automatic Visual Understanding of Human Behaviour
Organisation: University of Nottingham, School of Computer Science
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