The course is designed for professional engineers, consultants, researchers and graduate students, who are involved in the analysis, testing, modelling, design and assessment of structures against impact, blast and shock loads. The course will cover basic and theoretical concepts, material characterisations, analysis, modelling and design methods and the practical applications for structural protection against impact, blast and shock effects.
Impact and Blast Effects: Theory, Analysis and Design
Impact and blast and shock threats exist in a wide range of engineering, security and defence sectors, which have been frequently linked to industrial safety in the fields of surface/air/space transportations, nuclear power plant, offshore platforms, critical facilities in other industries and infrastructures, and protections against impact, blast and shock effects in accidental, terrorism and battlefield events. Depending on the impact velocity, blast intensity and shock environment severity, material and structural behaviour may become very different from their quasi-static behaviour when inertia and/or strain-rate effects become dominant in these events, which need to be considered in the design of protective structures under impact and blast loads and shock environment. This short course
integrates material characterization, basic theory, design methodology and latest research progress and offers an extensive introduction to professionals and researchers for dealing with impact, blast and shock effects in various engineering fields.
Impact and Blast Effects and the University of Manchester
Many research, teaching and consulting activities on the impact and blast and shock subjects have been conducted in School of Engineering (SoE) at The University of Manchester. The Impact & Explosion Laboratory in SoE is specialised on penetration mechanics, dynamic behaviour of engineering materials at high strain-rates, and structural response to impact, blast and shock
loads. It hosts the Impact Facilities at high pressure, temperature & strain-rate as part of UKCRIC-National Centre for Infrastructural Materials. Our partner, Karagozian & Case (K&C) has a unique and highly technical set of skills in science and engineering providing consulting services for analysis, test, simulation and design of structural and mechanical systems subjected to blast, impact and shock effects. K&C is recognized for its leadership role in these areas using high-fidelity physics-based (HFPB) numerical models.
Who Should Attend?
This course will provide an introductory training for practicing engineers, consultants, researchers and research students, who may be involved in dealing with impact and blast effects in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, nuclear engineering, aerospace engineering, oil and petrochemical engineering and defence engineering and industries. The course will be also suitable to architects, estate developers, security managers, and government officers who need updating in the latest developments in this area.
Course Content
The course will consist of an introduction to impact, blast and shock threats and their effects on structures, with special emphasis on the fundamental concepts and methodologies of the practical techniques and the latest state-of-the-art developments in material property characterisation and analytical method. The course consists of two parts, i.e. Part 1 will cover material
characterizations, impact and shock threats and their effects while Part II will cover blast loading and effects. Details of the course content are shown in the programme outline.
The partners involved in the delivery of the Impact and Blast Effect Course are
Karagozian and Case Inc & The University of Manchester.