PIA (Power, Inequality, and Activism) Conference
What is the conference and what does it involve?
Developed through our PGRs, the PIA (Power, Inequality, and Activism) conference will be a space to explore, interrogate and question some key provocations (themes to provoke thought) related to our work.
We would be delighted if others sign up to a provocation group - group participants will together decide how they will use the 25 minute slot. It could be a group response or a series of smaller individual or paired responses.
We are encouraging both traditional and alternative format presentations so are keen to see art/poetry/multi-media/photography/audio and dance if anyone is up for that.
You can also sign up to the provocation and not present but rather support things in other ways – planning/discussion/design/creation, etc.
To sign-up for a provocation, or for more information please get in touch and finally, if you don't want to sign up to a provocation please join us on the day!
Book Here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pia-conference-tickets-818392232197
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Ellen Wilkinson Building