Manchester Immunology Group Seminar Series. Dr Carla Nowosad, New York University. Location: Smith Lecture Theatre, Michael Smith Building
Dates: | 17 April 2025 |
Times: | 12:00 - 13:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Biological Sciences |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students |
Speaker: | Dr Carla Nowosad |
Talk title: Lymph node lymphangiogenesis regulates the germinal center response.
In the lymph node (LN), the B cell follicle sits adjacent to the subcapsular sinus to facilitate optimal antigen access and cellular transport. During infections, LNs significantly remodel, and lymphatic vessels proliferate to specifically envelope activating B cell follicles. Despite the physical adjacency of these two cell populations, we have a very limited understanding for the extent of their communication and whether there are functional implications for disrupting the dialogue between B cells and lymphatic vessels. We demonstrate that lymphatic-specific deletion of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor, Vegfr2, is sufficient to perturb GC dynamics in the draining LN post-infection. Deletion of Vegfr2 restricts LN lymphangiogenesis leading to an expansion of the GC response. Surprisingly, however, this seemingly enlarged GC response is associated with less clonal selection, reduced circulating viral-specific antibodies, and less protection at memory time points, indicating that VEGFR2-dependent lymphatic remodeling may play an important role in tuning GC dynamics to facilitate optimal protective antibody responses.
Carla Nowosad is an Assistant Professor at New York University and runs the Mucosal B cell Laboratory. She carried out her PhD in the lab of Pavel Tolar at the Francis Crick Institute, where she studied how Germinal Center B cells form immune synapses. Then, carried out postdoctoral research in the Labs of Gabriel Victora and Daniel Mucida at The Rockefeller University. Here, she characterized clonal selection of B cells in chronic germinal center responses that form in the healthy intestine and produce microbiota-regulating IgA. In her own lab, Carla is interested in how B cells adapt to their environment. She studies the signaling, development and evolution of germinal center B cell responses in the intestine and beyond.
Dr Carla Nowosad
Organisation: New York University
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Smith Lecture Theatre
Michael Smith Building