Manchester Geometry Seminar - Andreas Swerdlow
Dates: | 11 December 2023 |
Times: | 13:30 - 14:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Department of Mathematics |
Who is it for: | University staff, External researchers, Current University students |
Speaker: | Andreas Swerdlow |
Title: Graphical calculus: from numerical methods to Feynman diagrams to higher Lie theory and microformal morphisms, part 6
Abstract: The goal of these talks is to explore a number of seemingly unrelated topics, in which graphs and trees can be used to capture the structure of important calculations. In each case, the objects of interest will turn out to be infinite series, where the summations run over special classes of graphs or trees.
In part 6, we continue to present the graphical calculus for thick morphisms.
Andreas Swerdlow
Role: PhD Student
Organisation: University of Manchester
Travel and Contact Information
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Frank Adams Room
Alan Turing Building