Falls Prevention and Monitoring Seminar
Host: Institute of Population Health
About the event:
The Connected Health Innovation Centre is pleased to announce that following last year's extremely successful seminar series, the next seminar will take place on 16th September 2015.
Focusing on the theme of 'Falls Prevention & Monitoring,' this seminar will be an opportunity to hear from Dr Helen Hawley Hague (University of Manchester) and Professor Dawn Skelton (Glasgow Caledonian University.) Specialising in the area of Falls Prevention, Helen and Dawn are involved in the ProFouND (Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination) Thematic Network and the FARSEEING research project which focus on promoting independent living for older adults and preventing fall-related injuries.
Context: Falls in older people can lead to a number of problems such as injury, isolation, anxiety and greater dependence on carers. ProFouND is an EU-funded initiative dedicated to promoting best practice and innovative solutions for falls prevention amongst European health and social care authorities. Focusing on the potential of ICT devices, FARSEEING supports better prediction and identification of falls whilst supporting older people to live independently.
This seminar will explore how technology can be used as a tool to prevent falls and to improve the wellbeing of older people.
If you would like to join us on for this free seminar, please visit the registration page. This seminar is open to both University of Manchester and external attendees.
Refreshments will be provided.
If you have any questions please email kathryn.mccall@manchester.ac.uk.
Dr Helen Hawley Hague
Role: Research Associate
Organisation: University of Manchester
Professor Dawn Skelton
Role: Professor in Ageing and Health
Organisation: Glasgow Caledonian University
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The Congregation
Vaughan House