This course gives a hands on introduction to what is possible in a latent variable analysis framework using Mplus. Building up the different sides of latent variable modelling and structural equation modeling step by step, eight different types of analysis are tackled.
Regression, Path Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Item Response Theory, Measurement modelling, Latent Class Analysis, Longitudinal Analysis and lastly, hybrids of these are all topics of the course covered in lectures and practical analysis in Mplus.
Bringing your own data and research questions is highly recommended!
Course objectives:
Distinguish and understand different types of latent variable analysis;
Learn how to do basic and advanced structural equation modelling;
Understand how to combine different techniques in one model; and
Learn how to use Mplus
Course timetable
Day one
Afternoon - Regression
Day two
Morning - Path Analysis
Afternoon - Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Day three
Morning - Item Repsonse Theory
Afternoon - Measurement Modelling.
Day four
Morning - Latent Class Analysis
Afternoon - Longitudinal Modelling
Day five
Morning - Model Building
Course presenters
The course will be presented by Nick Shryane and Bram Vanhoutte.
Prior or recommended knowledge/reading/skills
Basic statistical knowledge (variance, mean, …) and experience in using regression models (linear and logistic)
Some experience in working with syntax is helpful but not absolutely necessary.
Booking is now open for the Summer School 2017.
To pay be credit card please visit our e-store
To pay by invoice (institutions only) please complete the booking form on the methods@manchester website and email a copy of a Purchase Order to
If you are based at the University of Manchester and your fee is being paid by your department please complete the booking form and contact us to arrange an internal journal transfer.