(with a pre-conference event for PhD students and early career researchers on 14th April 2020). Registration for this event will open in December 2019.
Join us for OBHC 2020 in Manchester, one of the UK’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities. This biennial conference, the primary activity of the Society for Studies in Organizing Healthcare (SHOC), will be hosted by Alliance Manchester Business School at The University of Manchester.
Conference theme
‘Managing Healthcare Organisations in Challenging Policy Contexts: Integration or Fragmentation?’
The conference theme is inspired by the pioneering role of Greater Manchester in implementing devolved arrangements for the provision of health and social care. We aim to investigate how contemporary policy trends, which are often infused with internal tensions and contradictions, are influencing healthcare systems, organisations and professions. We will also explore the various ways in which policy implementation could be enacted, resisted and reinvented by healthcare managers and professionals on the ground.
A wide range of contributions is anticipated, including, but not limited to, the following topics:
• The interplay between healthcare policy formulation, piloting and implementation;
• Consequences of policy-led restructuring for healthcare workforce and patient populations, as well as for service delivery and innovation;
• Insights into novel organisational forms and practices, such as partnerships, collaborations, multidisciplinary teams and integrated organisations;
• Variability of local contexts and regional economies and their effects on people, policy and practice;
• Politics of knowledge mobilisation as a bridge between research, policy, management and clinical practice;
• Strategies used by healthcare professionals, managers and patients to influence, implement, neutralise or resist healthcare policy initiatives;
• Longitudinal studies of organising and re-organising in healthcare, reflecting the evolution of policies and practices over time;
• The role of technology and data in enacting, modifying and subverting policy-mandated practices.